Is vechain in use in real World cases?
Burrito, Pizza or Burger, what should i order to eat?
In what stablecoin should i invest to save my Holdings?
Hello Nexo is not available on pencakeswap?
What do you think about Litecoin with mimblewimble? Some exchanges delisted Ltc becouse of that
Hello Does anyone knows how much trx will get burned? To millions or will it stay above?
Does anyone knows ho much the supply will be of the New luna?
What happened to luna? Any reasons for this price drop?
What prices do you guys expect for nanos future?
Is there any Telegram direct Support for any issues?
Hi Is the Ergo team at all in/from russia?
Is the current price of luna correct on binance?
Why was bcd delisted by binance?
Why dont want anyone know what about this, that there will be a new Version of luna and what about a toke burn of the current supply? Allways only the question if luna goes ba...
Is Gal a erc20 Token?
@anastaasiacy Why is this scammer always back in the group after he got banned?! 🧐
Someone told me th Luna 2 launch is today and others its on 30. What is true?
How long does it take untill my account verification is complete?
Hi Why i cant withdraw my bitcoins of
Luna is complete delisted of binance but why is the Twitter followers growing? It was yesterday 500k and now 600k followers