Message from Francisco has been removed because it is not allowed to post media in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from ₳₳ SUPER ₳wesome SUMMER ₳₳ has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
User Варфоломей Коробейников please do not just say hello. Share with us your question or thoughts. (???)
Message from Bagsic has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Hedgeg has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from iAmSilky has been removed because it is not allowed to post media in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Bolgenos User has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Bogdan deleted. Reason: external link (???)
Message from Светлана has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Barbara Santini has been removed because it is not allowed to post media in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Casper has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Василий Наумкин deleted. Reason: external link (???)
Message from Тимур deleted. Reason: external link (???)
Message from 三浦 健太 has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from officercia deleted. Reason: external link (???)
Message from Bresk has been removed because it is not allowed to post media in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from M3 deleted. Reason: media (???)
Message from ياسر هلال has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)
Message from Кристина Максимова deleted. Reason: external link (???)
Message from richiehedd has been removed because it is not allowed to post links in this group for first 24 hours (???)