What was the link for the 4 year staking pool? Been a while since i staked that 😆
Hello, I staked nxra to get some ralbt. Now the 6 months of locked stacking is done, do I need to unlock them or can I just let them stay and keep generating ralbt? Thx
Why am I getting internal Json errors when selling nxra on nexera?
When back to stable 19,99 range?
Guys I went long on link! Can someone kick me down and make me feel bad about my decision?
What about the blind? Please send voice memo also
I think we really are going up soon looking at the chart. I feel so bullish, can someone kick me down?
Is linky stinky today?
so no 1000 eoy?
@defimati when irl airdrop? ledgers with nxra from the sky. We need it.
I'm still a bit shaken by that massive dump today. Can someone hold my hand for a while?
The claim button in the staking pool, what does it actually do?
Anyone used this before?
I got my albt on kucoin, any tips on where to store it? Don't like leaving it on there.
Is there a official kinda store for xmr merch? Stickers etc?
Any advise on which wallet to use for liqiudity mining?
And why cant i type other crypto names?