a simple understanding question: lets say i swap a huge amount of dfi into dusd, will this bring the price up from dusd?
defichain number 1 bleeding project over the last 7 days are there any particular reasons why we have lost way more in comparison to other coins? (low liquidity, vault margin...
is this not a weak sign, that dfi lost over 40% in the last month currently I see just red for the project, I mean it doesnt consider my investment because i am for long term,...
who calls a project platypus finance? 😂
yes thanks 👍 how much loan backed dusd do we need, or which dfi price?
is defichain whale alert on Twitter inactive? Since september 2022?
does defichain currently grow in users? because i heared that currently it declines since dusd depeg 2 months ago (i do not mean daily active adress)
one question, lets say a big whale creates an vault, minting dusd, swapping to dfi and paying back collateral with dfi. because he has so large volume, the small transaction ...
based on the Apy in LM pools I should get about 20dfi + per day, so almost 1 dfi per hour, but in the last 3 hours I received just 1 dfi instead of 3 i have this issue since i...
is dfi logo copyrighted? is it possible to sell products with the logo in it?
Is there any particular reason for the selling pressures? other coins went up 5% this week, dfi went down 7% this week a spread from 12%
i am currently not verified at bittrex, because i get a new passport, so it will take longer than the airdrop. can i participate for the airdrop with an unverified account?
Does anybody know why dusd has deppeged again?
what Exactly does it man when the blockchain stands still Are transactions still possible?
do we have such low liquidity that we drop that fast? i mean what changed, why are the people selling? did i miss something 😅
dusd currently worth 0.97 Dfi worth in usdt 3.31 Dfi worth in dusd 3.55 can somebody explain, where is the correct price?
when exactly will the light wallet be updated, any specific time?
this is the only thing that doesnt make me bullish, your thoughts on the market?
which tokens can i mint in a vault? is it possible to mint tether?
if i use DUSD as collateral for a vault, iam almost immune against liquidation? Dusd is alwasy 1 dollar in vault?