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Is this not a weak sign, that dfi lost over

40% in the last month
currently I see just red for the project, I mean it doesnt consider my investment because i am for long term, but currently with the loan payback issues, atomis swap exploit, chain that stopped, dusd problem...
i am just saying that i believe we will fall alot deeper.
Has anyone similar thoughts?

9 ответов

8 просмотров

Not to mention the BAFIN investigations.

Not to mention the BAFIN investigations.

For questions & discussion regarding Cake: https://t.me/CakeDeFi_EN

Not to mention the BAFIN investigations.

Completely normal, ByBit, Binance and a few others got the same article/letter. Nothing changed.

Doesn’t make it better does it?

Does not affect Cake at all. We are not regulated in Germany, we are regulated in Singapore. Worst-case is, that Cake is not allowed to make targeted Ads in Germany. Nothing else. For more discussion on the topic please use the Cake Chat: https://t.me/CakeDeFi_EN

Btc, eth ect lost the same amount. Wellcome to the crypto space🤪🤪

Thats not completely true.

I totally agree. Lots of starting issues...

Mingoi Universe
Thats not completely true.

Whats not true??? Btc was at 69k and now at 40k. Do you have other figures? There are many alts that lost even 60 or 80%. Just read the crypto space and yes thats business as usual😉

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