210 похожих чатов

Yes thanks 👍 how much loan backed dusd do we need,

or which dfi price?

5 ответов

5 просмотров

Sure but maybe there will be a whale that has a lot of power and makes a lot of loan-backed DUSD to bring the fee to a lower level. Maybe then people will be a lot more willing to swap, burning more DUSD, bringing the fee further down, basically making a chain reaction.

Spencer L
Sure but maybe there will be a whale that has a lo...

Maybe I wake up during night and suddenly became a woman… Buddy your Statement Is completely hypothetical and below double digit probability!!

Maybe I wake up during night and suddenly became a...

What do you think would help create loan-backed tokens? Or, what solutions are you thinking of?

Günter-Seidner Автор вопроса
Spencer L
What do you think would help create loan-backed to...

balthasars idea with freezing LM DUSD PAIRS or to use 100% collateral with dusd?

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