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This is the only thing that doesnt make me bullish,

your thoughts on the market?

2 ответов

4 просмотра

- the hodling for 4 years+ has proven to work better than timing/trading everyday - macro is a big part of it now and crypto is no longer a stand alone ecosystem - just as when taking on leveraging in investments, a lot of crypto selling assets are used to cover over leveraged investments over the past few months - my guess is due to its 24 hr markets, if people hear some news and make adjustments accordingly, the easiest thing would be to sell it to cover…cause if you wait for the next business day to cover your losses in other assets you might not be able to cover - whoever has cash in a recession is king…however…today’s sentiment is that if you put any money in any asset, bonds, there is a lot of geopolitical issues to take into consideration, but if you keep the cash you are still losing with neg. interest rates - we’re all gonna become poorer together for awhile

Günter-Seidner Автор вопроса
Eileen - Surgery month! Will be mostly away
- the hodling for 4 years+ has proven to work bett...

I totally agree with you but history loves to repeat itselfs I know currently everyone gets fludded with fear, but me, as a trader who enjoys looking at TA doesnt want to see pattern like this but if this plays out everything is down for quit a time i dont believe that we see another 2008 yet, but this also said people back in 2007 with dotcom bubble i am just interested in dfi peoples opinion here

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