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Is there any particular reason for the selling pressures? other coins

went up 5% this week, dfi went down 7% this week
a spread from 12%

3 ответов

4 просмотра

dUSD issues

No special reason, as also no special reason why some coins went up 5% this week. Next week they will be down 5% or more, bear market at it's finest. The trajectory is clear, just check the top 10, not a single coin valued in comparison with 7 days ago, despite any small pump observed in some days, all went down compared to a week ago, even the big stable coins. We have not yet reached the bottom im my opinion. As for any additional pressure on DFI, I would say there is none, just people selling rewards DFI for cash flow in rimes of uncertanty, human psychology also at it's finest. Now it's time to buy and hodl, but we all now majority of people will sell. And it's It's the good part of DFI, you still receive good rewards to sell a good chunk of them and still, maintain a respectfull initial investment intact. Try that with any of the top 10, very difficult 🙂

Zoom out 😅

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