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Decreasing dfi price

Dusd has not ‘depegged’. It is not and has never been ‘hard pegged’. It is ‘soft pegged’ and can move based on activity in the DEX, buying and selling pressures like any other coin. All the measures put in place so far basically helps to stabilise the price to a certain ratio. It is only down $0.05 (5% down), which I feel it is perfectly in line with said soft peg. Last week, Dusd actually was at a premium of $1.14, but nobody complained that it depegged 14% upwards.

Günter-Seidner Автор вопроса
Zachary Chan
screenshot Dusd has not ‘depegged’. It is not and has never b...

okay thanks for the info, my ticker shows 0.92 cents, and for me personally everything +-5% is not a reliant stablecoin, but I know that we have currently turbulent market conditions

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