Apple asking employees to come to office. google has done this already
I am trying to deploy a nodejs application to EC2 with ASG and ELB and aws-cdk. How do I customise the image used in instance created by ASG? I _believe_ I have to create a ...
hey, I have a question for people who use firefox and have ~3-400 tabs open at a time. Is it normal for tabs to lag so much that even typing experience degrades and adds ~500m...
lets say I have a service like spotify which needs to serve blobs that are a few MB in size. I can have these in S3(with visibility/acl set to private) with cloudfront in fron...
I am finally trying to move away from plain instances managed with ansible to k8s. So, Far I have cert manager+nginx ingress+auto scaling configured. I want to load secret...
Hi, can someone here help with a k8s related issue? I am using hashicorp vault(I am using their hosted service) to store application secrets. I have a mutating webhook that l...
Interfaces are useful in writing code that's easy to test. For example, You have a function called Router that takes a DB struct. The DB struct has a field called mdb whic...
Hey, Does Telegram publish the range of IP addresses used by their servers? my isp keeps throttling access to telegram's servers and images and sometimes text doesn't load.....
Also, can anyone else suggest some monitoring tools for web apps? I checked out statuspage, their UI and features are pretty good but I don't want to have to implement a moni...
or i should ask, if that's a _reasonable_ reason to make the decision to change languages?
What's the easiest way to run a docker container? The applications will be publicly accessible and the traffic is minimal. Some non technical people have to run this app so ju...
Hey, Does anyone know how can I reach a mongodb instance running on the host in the docker container? I tried with mongod listening on and, I ca...
Hii! How do you handle ssh on production servers? We have gone through the standard hardening steps(disable root/password login, listen on some other port, firewall configura...
or I think the vault supports a storage service for HA? Maybe I can use that and then use that as backing store for the two vault instances in the cluster
Does anyone know why am I suddenly getting permission denied with this IAM role? I am pretty sure this was working yesterday
I asked for a chromecast like thing yesterday that I can run on Rpi and use it with my speakers, Someone recommended mopidy. I tried mopidy, It's slow af and requires me to in...
why is cdk crap? it has some restrictions but largely a much better experience than using anything els e
#!/bin/sh xrandr --setprovideroutputsource modesetting NVIDIA-0 xrandr --auto userresources=$HOME/.Xresources usermodmap=$HOME/.Xmodmap sysresources=/etc/X11/xinit/.Xresourc...
I think they were both the same until mongo3.6? and then some stuff may have changed
I have some questions related to sdl2. I am working with RGB888. Does sdl2 interprets uint8 integers in some other weird way? I have a render function which renders an image a...