Похожие чаты

I am trying to deploy a nodejs application to EC2

with ASG and ELB and aws-cdk.
How do I customise the image used in instance created by ASG?
I _believe_ I have to create a custom AMI that is built from a generic linux image with my modifications applied and then use the ID of this custom AMI in ASG configuration but I can't find any information on how to do this or if this is the right way to do this

16 ответов

6 просмотров

To create the AMIs, bake them using packer from hashicorp

EC2 Image builder? Might be an option.

Raptor Blue Bear
Janky yaml

Hes only building 1 image.. if it works it would be simple

Use ElasticBeanstalk nodejs or Docker. You automatically get autoscaling and load balancer. And can define the instance type


Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan

Hey, Thank you sooo much for responding. In the end, We decided to use ECS on EC2 with aws-cdk. Other than few issues that I encountered since I was working with it for the first time, It wasn't super complicated and works out pretty well for us.

Ishan Jain
Hey, Thank you sooo much for responding. In the en...

there's CDK Day coming up if you're interested https://www.cdkday.com/

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Sathya Bhat
there's CDK Day coming up if you're interested ht...

Thanks I recently started using cdk and it's been pretty good so far. I'll check this out. :))

Ishan Jain
Thanks I recently started using cdk and it's been ...

Yea cdk is pretty good, been using that recently also, this is pretty interesting too: https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/cdk-for-terraform-enabling-python-and-typescript-support

Yea cdk is pretty good, been using that recently a...

That's interesting, should we see this as a response to Pulumi?

That's interesting, should we see this as a respon...

Perhaps.. although i’m not sure matters too much, Terraform is pretty much the standard now, i rarely hear Pulumi actually being used.

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