Похожие чаты

Also, can anyone else suggest some monitoring tools for web

apps? I checked out statuspage, their UI and features are pretty good but I don't want to have to implement a monitoring service that will monitor all of our services and create/track statuspage events related to that.
For now, I am considering crisp(https://crisp.chat/blog/how-we-monitor-crisp-at-scale/) but their UI isn't particularly good. So, I am trying to find more alternatives.

5 ответов

6 просмотров

prometheus, grafana?

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
prometheus, grafana?

Yeah, This'll be ideal but for this to work I will have to write exporters and Design a layout in grafana. It'll be perfect as a internal monitoring tool but for now, I am looking for something simpler, like statuspage.io.

uptime robot, pingdom, newrelic, runscope all have synthetic tests

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Sathya Bhat
uptime robot, pingdom, newrelic, runscope all have...

Hey! thanks for responding. I am trying out uptime robot now. :)

Ishan Jain
Hey! thanks for responding. I am trying out uptime...

cool, I use it for all of my personal projects. works as expected, throw a URL and it will monitor

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