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What'S the easiest way to run a docker container? The

applications will be publicly accessible and the traffic is minimal. Some non technical people have to run this app so just trying to figure out the easiest way to do this

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Cloud Run, maybe. Or lightsail containers

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Sathya Bhat
Cloud Run, maybe. Or lightsail containers

Is it possible to use lightsail with private registries? I want to deploy images from a private repo on github container registry

Ishan Jain
Is it possible to use lightsail with private regis...

Haven’t tried but I don’t see why It wouldn’t be

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Sathya Bhat
Haven’t tried but I don’t see why It wouldn’t be

I have not tried it before but I can't find any options to configure image pull secrets, their docs only mention ECR and public repos and I couldn't find any thing on people trying to deploy images from a private registry to lightsail

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