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I asked for a chromecast like thing yesterday that I

can run on Rpi and use it with my speakers, Someone recommended mopidy. I tried mopidy, It's slow af and requires me to install mopidy clients on everything I use. Not convenient at all!

Today, I just plugged in my phone to Speakers and hoped to control spotify on my phone with the spotify on my laptop and it refuses to detect my phone even when both devices are on same network. Which sucks.

Is there some way to capture output to my laptop's speakers?

I can write something that captures this output, Sends it to another application running on RPi and then it can play it on rpi.

4 ответов

6 просмотров

If you have an iPhone I can recommend you something

>even when both devices are on same network sounds like FW on the router or something.

>Is there some way to capture output to my laptop's speakers? Some pulseaudio sink thingamagic. If you in your journey figure out how to create a sink and redirect a device to it, get back to me

well Chromecast kinda requires software to support it too

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