169 похожих чатов

Https://News.Ycombinator.Com/Item?Id=30557205 Apple asking employees to come to office. google has done

this already

16 ответов

12 просмотров

This has been happening since last year :p

What's the point

Ishan-Jain Автор вопроса
Ishan Jain
point of?

Going back to office

I believe most (some*?) big tech companies are letting users choose between fully virtual, hybrid or fully on-site, so it’s up to the employees really

I got to hear things like - faster comms (understantable) - people learn by being around others {someone used the term osmosis} (don't know) - feels good (slightly disagree)

I'm still a student but I guess the flexibility to choose between WFO and WFH is better than either of those

Harshit Jindal
I believe most (some*?) big tech companies are let...

In some cases yes. But a lot of people in US government are upset that nobody goes to office because this means no one needs to rent office space and pay taxes which means cities have not as much money as they used to. This is why people in power are trying to push everyone back to office. With tech companies this might be because they like owning people completely. Or maybe they have some deal with the government.

Alexander Gnatyuk
In some cases yes. But a lot of people in US gover...

Idk, I don't think that's the scenario at least here in India

Harshit Jindal
Idk, I don't think that's the scenario at least he...

Well I don't really know anything about India except that you have lots of coders xD

Harshit Jindal
and youtubers with coding tutorials :p

Oh man. The amount of times I ended up on Indian channels when learning algorithms and optimization... it's uncountable

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