Do we have staking? Ty
I have some BNB coins on the Beacon chain, how do I convert to the Binance smart chain? Ty
Why don’t I see the IOTEX I was staking in the wallet? Ty
Is Pancakeswap down? Nothing is working. Any administration?
The migration ledger is for NEO an Gas, how about all the other coins? Do I have to send them out and perform them separately? Ty
Hello. I staked some DYPb a while ago. I see them on chain, but I can’t find them on the staking site? Ty
I have different Keplr wallets. I staked 20 stkAtom on one wallet. I am trying to stake on a different wallet, but it only shows the original atom address and not the second w...
Do we have a bridge. From ERC20 to native? Ty
The NFT claim for Ledger does not work?
Where or which app can I place my address and track all my tokens and where they are staked? Ty
I does not let me withdraw. Says 19,000,000 days left?
Hello team. It appears we gad issues earlier. I was swapping and was charged, but didn’t receive my tokens. What should I do? Ty
How do I create a new wallet on an existing chain in the Cosmostation? It changed. Ty
Where can I see that information in the JS? Ty
Hello! Any news in migrating ledger? Ty
How about we start from the beginning. Do I need to install a separate js for SDN? If so, instructions so the SDN appear. Ty
Did the exchange just go down? The home page and analytics work, but not the swap, liquidity, or farms. Ty
What do you mean transfer? I also, transfer 21 atom to the second account?
Any idea when the Keplr staking will be resolved? Ty
When will the NFT function be ready for the Pera wallet? I’m excited!!