Недавно Google Project Zero нашёл багу в SQLite с помощью LLM, о чём достаточно было шумно в определённых интернетах, которые сопровождались рассказами, что скоро всех "ибешни...
Hi guys, any problem with Pulsebrige? Trying to transfer from wETH to ETH. First it tells me to connect my metamask "through mobile app" not desktop. Then I did and confirmed ...
Where is the fud? Just saying sum sarcastic. Have a laugh bud 😉
Всем привет.Подскажите нормальный тв на Линукс минт?Раньше стояла прога паром тв всё работало чётко.Сейчас на её замену не могу ни чего путного подобрать.
длина пакета фиксированная, или меняется?
Ⓐrtto, [4/23/24 7:02 PM] Please explain more fully how it is not working exactly, and what are the steps you are taking, and what error messages come or what happens. Ⓐrtto, ...
Anyone wanna be a test subject for a thing?
Btw looks like Kushti is at it with 6.0, has he shared any plans to stop developing Ergo or just to keep going indefinitely?
&"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.42.34433\bin\Hostx64\x64\dumpbin.exe" /EXPORTS C:\Users\Yeet\Tauon\vcpkg\installed\x64-window...
Ребят в СИ можно реализовать ООП?
sounds like people have lost their kaspa on tradeogre... does this mean tradeogre not trustworthy?
BTC is almost $100,000, everything is getting attention and pumping! When do we get to have the liquidity when the bull market is over? Or when all other projects get way more...
Off topic. But does anyone know off bullion dealers who accept crypto for precious metals. Arrr or others?
Hi everyone I'm considering writing linker for Windows x86-64 How hard it should be? I want to write it to link rust/cpp programs faster in with parallel ways
Little question why are flexa pushing the pay with crypto so much .Well all know its not built just for that. Would love to think they something massive brewing in the backgro...
A follow up question for @davidhultra regarding the EVM marketplace capabilities: One of the major features for native Ultra assets was that once a Uniq item is listed for sa...
I have a few questions about the project from.the tech perspective. Can i ask this in here?
So much speculation in the last week. So much volatility in price. This is because Hedera has a GC that isn't using the network it's governing. Why aren't people asking why a...
Вот еще странный косяк, подскажите как бороться. Я git clone сделал себе всего embassy и примеры там запускаю. Всё хорошо. Но вот решил в cargo.toml зависимости не как в приме...
А в каком формате фреймы? Сам формат сейчас придумываешь, или что-то готовое нужно распарсить?