But would DOM skill(obviously including HTML and CSS) in JS be enough to work and get paid?
Does anyone know how to turn videoproxy file into an actual video file?
What do you guys think about facebook’s recent new name Metaverse?
Has anyone tried verifying Node download installer following through this instruction on https://github.com/nodejs/node#verifying-binaries with the command sha256sum?
C and Assembly in this case?
For those who use external SSD on Mac, do you use Time Machine with the external SSD? or just back up by dragging all your files and data onto the external SSD hard drive?
So if you have a foreign bank account means that’s an offshore bank account?
when you do var b = “Can I access this?”; function bb() { var a = “hello”; console.log(b); } bb() How is the bb function able connected to the variable b?
How do you guys show what branch you are on on Terminal? Once I used git clone [the github addresss] and moved to that directory, I typed git config -e and it shows a list o...
When the code gets longer than your laptop’s screen, would you guys just just a multile longer desktop screen to both connect your laptop and the longer screen one?
I was basically asking this issue, do you guys get your physical SSD harddrive and save and back all the data on your computer, make your computer fresh empty state all the ti...
Do you have some websites that can inspire for naming your business?
There’s a specific built-in method called filter. const array = [1, 2, 10, 16]; const filterArray = array.filter(num => num > 5); console.log(filterArray); Why did they bu...
And if you’re on a line paying for a coffee/product in a physical shop, the person behind you looking and listening to your conversation between you and the cashier, this pers...
Once you’ve learned front-end web development with only HTML, CSS and JS, how much would you charge for your first client per hour or per project?
When you run these four examples of objects on text editor let obj = { username0: ‘Santa’, username1: ‘Rudolf’, username2: ‘Mr.Grinch’ } Object.keys(obj).forEach...
When I branched off on VScode Terminal, git branch There is only one * main wth asterisk next to it. And when I do, git branch littlefeature git checkout littlefeature th...
I’m basically doing React, and I deleted a file called Hello.js file in my list as my instructor instructed me to do so as we don’t need that file. But why do I still get Com...
When you are using childNodes, why does the comment sometimes become 3 and sometimes 8? val = list.childNodes; Comment is 8 but when you look at the console, it now turns up...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRo18pUs61Q This is what got me to learn otehr framework/compiler.