169 похожих чатов

I was basically asking this issue, do you guys get

your physical SSD harddrive and save and back all the data on your computer, make your computer fresh empty state all the time for the sake of security?

10 ответов

10 просмотров

I do not put stupid things in my computer in the first place, I use a VM for that

SSD wasn't made for this type of data storage afaik

MrObjectOriented Ass
I do not put stupid things in my computer in the f...

What's the difference? If you use the virtual drive inside the VM, whatever you write is written somewhere in host's storage device.

Alexander Gnatyuk
What's the difference? If you use the virtual driv...

Unless they are using shared drives or folders, the data will be isolated. Sometimes all of the VM files will be compressed into a single non executable encrypted file on the host machine

Alexander Gnatyuk
What's the difference? If you use the virtual driv...

the execution happens in a VM memory space, pretty difficult to break out of the VM and compromise the host itself

Pedro Aguiar
Unless they are using shared drives or folders, th...

It is isolated, yes. But for every virtual drive there is a corresponding file stored on host's filesystem that contains all the data. You have to store data somewhere, right?? All you did is delayed the process of finding and recovering it.

MrObjectOriented Ass
the execution happens in a VM memory space, pretty...

You don't need to break out of anything. Assuming I have physical access to your HDD / SSD and it is not encrypted, I can easily find all your virtual drives, mount them as loopback devices, mount the filesystems inside and see everything.

Pedro Aguiar
Here, second period.

Oh, I don't remember that... Was this text there before the edit?

Alexander Gnatyuk
You don't need to break out of anything. Assuming ...

You are talking about something entirely else. I am not talking about encrypting the data. I am talking about separation of execution.

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