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But would DOM skill(obviously including HTML and CSS) in JS

be enough to work and get paid?

26 ответов

7 просмотров

If u know the core frontend technologies (HTML, CSS, JS) u cant find paid work (junior job or freelancing). If u add a little bit of backend u can make more. I would add a bit of PHP.

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Jay 👑🖖
If u know the core frontend technologies (HTML, CS...

Well, some argue that there’s no need to learn PHP…

Charlemagne Holdt
Well, some argue that there’s no need to learn PHP...

I’ll DM u for this because it’s not really related to JS

. 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉

78% of all websites in the world use PHP for backend. But I don’t like to get into the game of which programming language is better (junior developer mindset). Programming languages are all just tools, wether its php, ruby, js, c#, python… they’ve all evolved to a point where they are good enough. It doesn’t matter too much what u pick, the core concepts of programming are the same so u can switch later on.

Jay 👑🖖
78% of all websites in the world use PHP for backe...

More than 78% of websites are complete shit also

More than 78% of websites are complete shit also

This number sucks tbh. Because most of that is WordPress. And if you're trying to argue for php, Wordpress isn't helping

Hey still dig deeper into JavaScript

Yes. Source: Me

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
. 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖋𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖉

Based on this, JavaScript seems to be dying(declining)… Why?

Charlemagne Holdt
Based on this, JavaScript seems to be dying(declin...

This seems to be only about vanilla javascript without node js, typescript, react and tons of other project etc.

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
because browsers are dying

If browsers are dying, then what else people would use to use internet instead?😅

Vanilla JavaScript alone can't take you off the ground for getting a job. There are some with much more skills set and still has no job, build awesome portfolio but get aquited with latest web technologies around the JavaScript ecosystem like react vue , angular and nodejs, and maybe next and electron js, Knowing little backend is a plus, You should learn about design check out some awesome websites, clone them from scratch, change some things, build a portfolio. Yeah life will seem more lively, job won't be too far.

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