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When you are using childNodes, why does the comment sometimes

become 3 and sometimes 8?

val = list.childNodes;

Comment is 8 but when you look at the console, it now turns up as 3?

8 ответов

5 просмотров

what do you mean comment

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
what do you mean comment

When you do val = list.childNodes; console.log(val); And after you add a comment in HTML page and do this val = list.childNodes; console.log(val); The NodeList turns out to add another 2. And when you check out the node type of 3, val = list.childNodes; val = list.childNodes[0]; val = list.childNodes[0].nodeName; val = list.childNodes[3].nodeType; console.log(val); It now turns up 8.

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
what do you mean comment

So I’m wondering why just adding a comment in HTML page, the NodeList adds another 2 by just checking out childNodes[3].nodeType;

Charlemagne Holdt
When you do val = list.childNodes; console.log(v...

It probably adds 2 nodes because one is the comment node and the other is the whitespace after it

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
It probably adds 2 nodes because one is the commen...

In a HTML page, </li> <! — Comment —> <li class=“collection-item”> Is just adding the comment in between </li> and <li> considered adding whitespace too?

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