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Once you’ve learned front-end web development with only HTML, CSS

and JS, how much would you charge for your first client per hour or per project?

12 ответов

7 просмотров

The answer is always "depends on the project", but I recently made 35 bucks on a very simple html/css project with just a little of js for blocking transitions on page load. It was about TES, its plot and other stuff. 7 html-pages, 5 of which were about the 5 different chapters, sixth is the index.html and seventh is about the future of the series.

Naz Klymok
The answer is always "depends on the project", but...

Just for the sake of understanding the complexity of it: https://knazariy.github.io

Naz Klymok
Just for the sake of understanding the complexity ...

Also, I forgot to switch the styles and the script in the <head> on other pages than index.html lel

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Naz Klymok
The answer is always "depends on the project", but...

Damn, isn’t 35 bucks a peanut for the project?

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Naz Klymok
The answer is always "depends on the project", but...

How much of skill is needed to reach at least $600 - 1000 per website/client?

Charlemagne Holdt
How much of skill is needed to reach at least $600...

Difficult personally to rate, but if you do a complete product with back-end, sure

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Naz Klymok
It is depending on the scale of the project

Say the project a client asked is $600 - 1000. How long woud it take to “finish” the project for $600 - 1000 worth price usually?

Charlemagne Holdt
Say the project a client asked is $600 - 1000. How...

No idea since I've never taken such projects. Taking an uneducated guess, should take a few month probably.

Charlemagne-Holdt Автор вопроса
Naz Klymok
No idea since I've never taken such projects. Taki...

Can’t such proejct $600 - 100 be finished within a month?

Charlemagne Holdt
How much of skill is needed to reach at least $600...

Value is relative. Charge 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 When nobody says yes. That’s the price. Happy capitalism 👍

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