Всем привет, кто то может объяснить почему не работает

- name: Execute script
command: /tmp/shardeum.sh
timeout: 200
echo: true
'By running this installer, you agree to allow the Shardeum team to collect this data. (Y/n)?:': 'y'
'What base directory should the node use (default ~/.shardeum):': ''
'Do you want to run the web based Dashboard? (Y/n):': 'y'
'Do you want to change the password for the Dashboard? (y/N):': 'N'
'Enter the port (1025-65536) to access the web based Dashboard (default 8080):': ''
'If you wish to set an explicit external IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=auto):': ''
'f you wish to set an explicit internal IP, enter an IPv4 address (default=auto):': ''
'his allows p2p communication between nodes. Enter the first port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default 9001):': ''
'Enter the second port (1025-65536) for p2p communication (default 10001):': ''

4 ответов

29 просмотров

что именно не работает и сам текст ошибки мы должны угадать ?

Grisha-Skovoroda Автор вопроса
Alex Domoradov
что именно не работает и сам текст ошибки мы должн...

fatal: [s02]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "/tmp/shardeum.sh", "delta": "0:03:20.208709", "end": "2023-11-06 14:46:50.790469", "msg": "command exceeded timeout", "rc": null, "start": "2023-11-06 14:43:30.581760", "stdout": "Linux environment with x86_64 found.\r\nDuring this early stage of Betanet the Shardeum team will be collecting some performance and debugging info from your node to help improve future versions of the software.\r\nThis is only temporary and will be discontinued as we get closer to mainnet.\r\nThanks for running a node and helping to make Shardeum better.\r\n\r\nBy running this installer, you agree to allow the Shardeum team to collect this data. (Y/n)?: ", "stdout_lines": ["Linux environment with x86_64 found.", "During this early stage of Betanet the Shardeum team will be collecting some performance and debugging info from your node to help improve future versions of the software.", "This is only temporary and will be discontinued as we get closer to mainnet.", "Thanks for running a node and helping to make Shardeum better.", "", "By running this installer, you agree to allow the Shardeum team to collect this data. (Y/n)?: "]}

Grisha Skovoroda
fatal: [s02]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ...

command exceeded timeout по ходу текст где то не совпадает

Grisha-Skovoroda Автор вопроса

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