без дополнительных телодвижений не получить исходящего трафика?
А ниже в этом же документе If you choose a public subnet, errors will occur when running your App Runner service. However, if your service needs to access some services that are on the internet or other public AWS services, see Considerations when selecting a subnet . When you connect your service to a VPC, the outbound traffic doesn't have access to the public internet. All outbound traffic from your application is directed through the VPC that your service is connected to. All networking rules for the VPC apply to the outbound traffic of your application. This means that your services can't access the public internet and AWS APIs
Ну вот там же написано что без NAT GW не работает Всё потому что AppRunner так работает Дают ALB который находится в управлении AWS и так же поступают и с outbound трафиком
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