Можете подсказать фишки по умному использованию DOTween? Так сказать поделиться

опытом, а то я вообще не уверен в том, как я его использую

9 ответов

10 просмотров

Главная фишка перейти на PrimeTween 😅

А почему так?

Zero-allocation animations, shakes, delays, and sequences. Installs as a Unity Package Manager (UPM) package. Simple and consistent API. Animate anything with one line of code. Full source code is available. Reliable, covered by tests, and ready for production.

А куда оно тратит 66КБ?

Артём- Автор вопроса

С праймтвин меньше фпс 👀

Alex Silaev
А куда оно тратит 66КБ?

DOTween made a long way in its development and brought a lot of value to the game industry. But for almost 10 years it accumulated a lot of technical debt and inconsistencies. DOTween gives a huge heads-up for game jams and early prototypes, but when a project becomes bigger, its quirks become to pile up. And while with years it was getting better with memory allocations, it still allocates memory on every animation start and puts a lot of pressure on the garbage collector. PrimeTween is simple, consistent, covered by tests, and behaves exactly like you would expect. High performance and zero allocations out of the box. PrimeTween and DOTween don't conflict with each other and can be used in one project. So you can try PrimeTween in your existing project without breaking anything. Performance comparison In real-world scenarios, PrimeTween is up to 30% faster than DOTween in terms of average runtime performance. But this is not the most important performance indicator most of the time. Where PrimeTween really shines is in the absence of memory allocations. PrimeTween never allocates heap memory and never produces garbage collection spikes. Create millions of animations, delays, and sequences with 0KB of GC and without hiccups! Another important performance factor is frame pacing. To create a smooth experience for a user, frames in your game should be evenly spaced in time. A one-frame hiccup is still noticeable to the eye even when the profiler tells that the game runs at an average of 60 FPS. In this image, you can see that PrimeTween evenly distributes the load maintaining smooth frame times, while DOTween produces a lot of fluctuations. The testing scenario is identical in both cases.

https://youtu.be/Y8cv-rF5j6c?si=VAm4soWJNKWfjlxi Вот норм видео, если не переубедили на другое перейти)

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