существуют, но не в анриале
Но спасибо этому умному человеку, что описал часть боли которую я, юзающий монтажи дня 3, вижу.
Ну штош, в принципе лучше чем ничего)
Hi. I've done a lot with Animation on AAA game engines (GoW 3 & 4, Tomb Raider reboots, Roblox), but I'm relatively new to unreal.
The industry is majorly progressing now with some very compelling advances in motion synthesis, and we are likely to ship our next game in UE4, and I don't really trust UE5 to deliver some magic silver bullet solutions to long term problems like motion matching in a way that's compelling enough for us want to wait for that to start advancing our own tech.
So, I'm at a cross roads right now, where I've given myself enough time to get used to unreal, and I'm still a long way from being ok with it architecturally.
1. I think Montages are fundamentally bad. I am ok with the idea of an abstraction that divides up an animation into multiple assets etc. but I am not ok with how montages are generally directly controlled by gameplay. They are played differently than sequences, and seemingly root motion is only supported on montages?
2. If I end up making a more black-box animation system, and we ever want motion from it, this is going to really screw up the replication model for motion prediction, and this could be a huge nightmare to replace.
3. (related to 1) there isn't a clean abstraction for input and output data from the animation system. -- By using montages for example, you're overly prescribing that the action desired is not handled in any other way, like procedurally, or motion matching, etc.
4. Notifies and Notify states aren't reliable, and they're associated with the DATA rather than the instance of the playback of the asset.
5. I also am shocked at the lack of a solid data pipeline for visible, mergeable, data, and how complex it is to extend the property editing capabilities.
Сообщение из групы дискорда по анриалу*
Основная проблема таких комментов - они критикуют, но не предлагают как сделать лучше.
только четвертый пункт хоть сколько-то конкретный, да и то при большом желании можно запатчить всё, остальной текст -- вода
а вот это прямо в яблочко) мужчина shocked, но ничего не может сказать
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