209 похожих чатов

Thanks. CKB will be bridge to mult. chains what what's

if any are they bridge to?

3 ответов

1 просмотр


Currently our layer 2 Polyjuice is in the test net. This will be a layer two built on top of layer one. The layer one is POW like Bitcoin . It has halvings every 4 years like Bitcoin. It is unlimited supply like Ethereum. Nervos actualjy is two block chains built exactly for each other. Polyjuice enables Ethereum developers and solidity users to be able to code straight into Nervos cells. When brigades ate finalised and dev son and chain will be able to write their code and communicate with the entire block chain space. One wallet, all crypto. And smart contracts or dApp can be programmed via Nervos and applied on any chain. We are true interoperability

Visit our linktree to know more 👉 linktr.ee/nervos

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