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🚀 It is official - the IBC token transfer is

now live on BandChain!

BAND holders can transfer their tokens to our partner chains with IBC-capability and perform activity on those chains with BAND tokens

🌎 The ease of transferring enabled by this feature creates more seamless use cases of BAND tokens which raises the liquidity of the token.

After integrations, users will be able to participate in IBC-based DEXes such as Osmosis and Emeris

🌈 We will be publishing a guide in the upcoming days on how to transfer BAND tokens on https://cosmoscan.io/ibcs

Stay tuned to see more developments and where we will go!

Spread the word 👉 https://twitter.com/BandProtocol/status/1458780594041548806?s=20


Recent Band Protocol Developments:
🔸 Band Protocol successfully launches Phase 2: Laozi
🔸 Band Protocol partners with ICON to power DeFi, gaming, & betting dApps
🔸 Band Protocol integrates with Neutrino stablecoin to secure $15M TVL
🔸 Band Protocol integrates with Bet Protocol for Esports/Sports launch
🔸 Band Protocol integrates with Balanced For Scalable Price Oracles
🔸 Band Protocol publishes manual token swap & staking guide

1 ответов

9 просмотров

Building, building. Good job guys!

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