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Any guide or articles explaining why there is differences between

bdoge eth and bdoge bnb price?

4 ответов

5 просмотров

Different markets, different prices. Bam

Chiisai- Автор вопроса
💎✊Lets Go To the Moon!✊💎
Different markets, different prices. Bam

So if bnb price is higher than eth, we need to swap/Bridge our bdoge eth to bnb to take profit?

So if bnb price is higher than eth, we need to sw...

If it is really really higher then sure you can do that. Just need to calculate the eth gas and bridge tax into your calculation.

Chiisai- Автор вопроса
💎✊Lets Go To the Moon!✊💎
If it is really really higher then sure you can do...

I see thanks. I was thinking price between the two are the same regardless of network

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