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Rian-M Автор вопроса

Is there a tutorial for Freeze tron?

Rian M
Is there a tutorial for Freeze tron?

In TRON Network there is no mining but there is something similar to staking, we call it Super Representative Elections where you can freeze your TRX and vote with them to choose your favourite Super Representative (Validator Nodes). In return, they usually distribute some rewards to voters. If you use Tronlink Wallet follow this guide: https://tron7010.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043589352-How-to-Vote-and-Gain-Reward Instead, if you use tronscan.org follow this guide: https://tronfoundation.medium.com/freeze-trx-to-get-free-energy-bandwidth-points-and-an-apr-of-up-to-7-2-f7545a8b331e

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