209 похожих чатов

I'M really sorry but I still don't understand the 1:1

part. If we no longer have any veFXS, how can it be 1:1? It sounds more to me like we have 0 veFXS but we can unstake or relock our FXS

2 ответов

8 просмотров

veFXS is time lock of your staked FXS, the longer you lock your FXS, the higher veFXS you'll receive. The veFXS balance linearly decreases as tokens approach their lock expiry, approaching 1 veFXS per 1 FXS at zero lock time remaining. You can read here for more details https://docs.frax.finance/vefxs/vefxs

Dantes Stan (¤³ ¤³) DON'T PM FOR ETH/$$
veFXS is time lock of your staked FXS, the longer ...

It is too late tommorow for me to stake FXS for the FPI airdrop? Thanks.

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