209 похожих чатов

17,800 members here. Why aren’t any of you guys providing

liquidity for renDGB and earning interest?

7 ответов

13 просмотров

maybe most are bots, others just spectators and some just care about DGB, not renDGB

Atum- Автор вопроса
Isaías Valle
maybe most are bots, others just spectators and so...

People are in crypto to make money. RenDGB allows holders to make money on their dgb, and allow people to buy/sell dgb off centralized exchanges. RenDGB simply makes DGB better.

People are in crypto to make money. RenDGB allows...

Here you can find Quick picks from the DigiByte Ecosystem on how to buy DGB (DigiByte) All exchanges and services that support DigiByte can be found on the DigiByte Wiki.

People are in crypto to make money. RenDGB allows...

Can you explain this a little more? I dont know about RenDGB.

Can you explain this a little more? I dont know ab...

Yeah - please explain a bit more. I have many DGB and would be happy staking IF I KNOW IT WAS A SAFE ENTERPRISE.

I see no reason to care about renDGB 🤷‍♂️ Sounds to me like a good way to loose DGB in fees.

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