209 похожих чатов

Any idea why my KOI-YOK farm didn't give me any

koi in the past 2 days or so? In fact koi rewards are on 0 since last harvest but yok came in a bit

8 ответов

8 просмотров

Yokai team is a separate team from Nervos, and Stable Koi is a separate team as well

Mo-Ritz Автор вопроса

It appears to be a display issue. I harvested to see what would happen and I still received the koi even though it showed zero to harvest

Mo Ritz
OK thanks Thought anyone might know here

Would you like the Yokai discord? I’m not sure stable koi has one

Mo-Ritz Автор вопроса
Chris (won’t message first)
Would you like the Yokai discord? I’m not sure sta...

Thank you after you mentioned it I realised I have their discord

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