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Good evening community , I have a question about stMATIC.

Actually I pull out my stMATIC , converted to Matic and put on Nexo for juicy APY. The question is , the stMATIC token change value with time ? There’s something wrong I doing ? Thanks

10 ответов

11 просмотров

Yes, stMATIC increases in value relative to MATIC. Once you unstake, you'll receive more MATIC than you initially staked for.

Dandi-Olla Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Yes, stMATIC increases in value relative to MATIC....

Ok so is pegged to the value of Matic. It’s work like the stETH right ? I don’t lost value when I reswap in matic

Dandi Olla
Ok so is pegged to the value of Matic. It’s work l...

stMATIC's value increases relative to MATIC over time, so it because more valuable. It doesn't work like stETH, since stETH rebases (balance changes). stMATIC balance will stay the same, it'll just be worth more.

Dandi-Olla Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
stMATIC's value increases relative to MATIC over t...

Ok thanks. So , the stMATIC I swapped today for matic is gonna be more valuable in future ? (I need more Matic for rebuy my StMATIC)

Dandi Olla
Ok thanks. So , the stMATIC I swapped today for ma...

You swapped stMATIC back to MATIC? If so, you are no longer earning staking rewards.

Dandi-Olla Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
You swapped stMATIC back to MATIC? If so, you are ...

My matic it’s on lido, I do Defi with stMATIC. Should I put it back ?

Do you still own stMATIC or not? You can swap MATIC back to stMATIC to earn staking rewards again.

Dandi-Olla Автор вопроса
cryptodenier (will NOT dm first)
Do you still own stMATIC or not? You can swap MATI...

Just I took a small part of stMATIC , I didn’t swap everything

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