209 похожих чатов

May I know the mission nft is stored on my

metawallet or wax?

6 ответов

3 просмотра

Metamask my fellow explorer

You won't be able to see your NFTs on metamask extension yet. But if you have metamask mobile app you can see them under collectibles.

Big-Sweet Автор вопроса
Darica Lewiz
You won't be able to see your NFTs on metamask ext...

On metamask mobile app I can see NFT tap, when click in there is no nft show up

Big Sweet
On metamask mobile app I can see NFT tap, when cli...

It's on the Game UI my friend or check on Fangible. You cannot see it on Metamask.

Big Sweet
On metamask mobile app I can see NFT tap, when cli...

You need to have the NFT address then paste the address on the add NFTs.

Big-Sweet Автор вопроса

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