210 похожих чатов

Simple question: what will I receive tomorrow for my 17568

UST? Does anyone have an answer for me? Thanks

10 ответов

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See pinned message

Manh Son-Bui Автор вопроса
Isa Ahmad ♥️🇵🇰♥️
See pinned message

I did but I don’t understand why should I get for my UST —> Luna 🙈????

Manh Son Bui
I did but I don’t understand why should I get for ...

Because ust is dead. The amount luna mentioned in my wallet now is only the 30% i get (post attack) i assume? The rest will follow according the vesting schedule?

You will receive nothing

Manh Son-Bui Автор вопроса
Isa Ahmad ♥️🇵🇰♥️
What did you have, tell me, I explain

At the moment I have in my spot wallet called now (USTC TerraClassicUSD 🤷‍♂️) with no value!

Manh Son Bui
At the moment I have in my spot wallet called now ...

Same, binance will list tomorrow. Only thing sucks about this whole Lunac is binance took ages to list it. Other exchanges did it within 1 day max. Reason I'm saying this because lunac orders closed at 0.00012 and currently on other exchanges it's at 0.000079 so idk at what price lunac will open.

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