Where can i stake perp and where can i find the info? I don't read private DM!
Hi Eddy - there you go - https://staking.perp.exchange/
what are the tokenomics and tge date of $PERP?
The PERP token launch on Balancer was concluded on September 2020. Here is the information on the current tokenomics: https://support.perp.com/hc/en-us/articles/5748445892761-PERP-Token Therefore, tokenomics are currently under revision. Check out the following articles for info about the upcoming changes (note that details may change between now and the tokenomics launch, expected in Q2 2022): • Initial proposal : https://gov.perp.fi/t/proposal-perp-v2-tokenomics/642 • Fee sharing, etc. : https://gov.perp.fi/t/proposal-fee-distribution/657 • veTokenomics overview : https://blog.perp.fi/vetokenomics-explained-6b9c5683cddb
can you tell me the exact date of tge?
I'll check with the team on this and back to you with the proper answer as soon as possible 🙂
September 12, 2020
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