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Are there conversations with any web3 company that is already

interested in your new product to be an early adopter?


3 ответов

3 просмотра

Yes, in the process of developing our new product, we have engaged in numerous strategic discussions with key players within the Web3 ecosystem, including founders, investors, and builders. Over the last eight months, we've built a solid network in the Web3 industry, and a number of these connections are actively using elements of our early stage protocol, validating our work and providing valuable feedback. Our technical team has done a commendable job in ensuring the protocol's readiness and ability to handle the high demand for real-time on-chain data. Looking ahead, we now going after Layer1's for integrating their data into the network and working closely on doing ecosystem partnerships so our technology becomes easily available to all developers building on these chains. Aptos hackaton is just a first step towards this extensive business development plans. We're planning to build a strong ecosystem of all the Layer1's and Layer2's integrated into the network. It's the only protocol in the space today that allows any full node to start publishing data openly so the possibilities of building the biggest ecosystem for blockchain data is very real.

Alejandro @WOO- Автор вопроса
Dominick P ✤
Yes, in the process of developing our new product,...

Could it be said that Aptos will adopt the technology?

Alejandro @WOO
Could it be said that Aptos will adopt the technol...

We are going to the Aptos Hackathon to have a workshop with their devs. So fingers crossed 👀️️️️️️

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