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I'D never wish any of this on anyone, or anything. Aw

come on, ya gotta try and look at things like me.
I never needed anything I got, I never keep anything I have
What do I have?
Mostly things that'll never last. Then I think back...
I remember when I first saw the country
I remember sleeping in the van.
Said goodbye to friends and family, 'cause they could never understand.
I remember jumping off of cliff tops
I remember playing with no one there.
Ya, I knew if I became successful, it wouldn't change who I am.
'Cause where I've been, 'cause where I've been.
They wonder why I hide myself from everyone, from everything.
Man come on, you wouldn't last a day as me.
Everyone loves me for my past, but they always hate me in the present.
Why can't you meet me somewhere in the middle?
It's in the hardest times we grow the most.
I remember when I first saw the country
I remember sleeping in the van.
Said goodbye to friends and family, 'cause they could never understand.
I remember jumping off of cliff tops
I remember playing with no one there.
Ya, I knew if I became successful, it wouldn't change who I am.
'Cause where I've been, 'cause where I've been.
Speeding up, to slow down
Side glances around this crowd, all at me.
There must be somethin' I can't see, so tell me.
Hold me up, help me out, as I circle around what makes me happy.
There isn't one place that I can be without leavin'.
This is my life.
I remember when I first saw the country
I remember sleeping in the van.
Said goodbye to friends and family, 'cause they could never understand.
They don't understand.
I remember jumping off of cliff tops
I remember playing with no one there.
Ya, I knew if I became successful, it wouldn't change who I am.
I remember the coast of California
I remember truck stops cross the land.
Never kept too many idols, 'cause we were busy being them.
I remember waking up in Georgia
I remember quitting my last job.
Ya, I knew if I became successful, it wouldn't change who I am.
'Cause where I've been, 'cause where I've been.

8 ответов

7 просмотров
.- Автор вопроса

Хотел поделится любимой песней

Щас кого то забанят

.- Автор вопроса

Не меня 😂

.- Автор вопроса
Great Fox
Не меня 😂

Ну не меня же

Хотел поделится любимой песней

Не хотел, а поделился лирикс

Хотелось бы с переводом 🙂

.- Автор вопроса

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