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What’s SKALE G ? Is it another token ?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

Hi Ph. Muath, SKALE G is SKALE's own L1 megachain. You can read more about it here: https://skale.space/blog/introducing-the-levitation-protocol-skales-solution-for-decentralized-zero-knowledge-proofs and here: https://hackmd.io/@kladko/Sk2j0s0Nn No new token as far as I know.

Mark | I do not PM first
Hi Ph. Muath, SKALE G is SKALE's own L1 megachain....

Does the megachain will use Skl token for fees or dao? Cant find this info the that url

Does the megachain will use Skl token for fees or ...

Hi Tavi, Rob, who formerly works on SKALE's social media (I'm not sure about his official title), seems to confirm in this message that SKL will be the gas token on SKALE G: https://t.me/skaleofficial/314222

How much it takes to build it?

Hi Haithem, No timeline shared for it yet.

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