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Personal beauty. I was talking here with the person

inside Polandex, right? She sent this message to us here. Now, let me share it with you here.
So, after this message here that I'm going to put here in English and Portuguese, okay? After that message, so did she. Then our contact called Ela directly and we are also in the group, right?
There's a possibility, folks.
Hold that bomb.
This contact from us. She works at Polôniex, right? And also on huobi, which is ninth today, right? It is in the top 10 of the largest exchanges today, at least by coinmarkcap. There is the possibility for us to enter the 2 exchanges together
She. She just became director of administration at huobi and poloniex. She rose through the ranks, sent all of Nellore's documentation to Huobi as well and is trying to get listed on the 2 exchanges simultaneously. Like, it might happen, it might not, but the probability is like 80% of it happening. These 2 listings in a row now. So let's wait, now the anxiety will increase even more. We will, we will be able to go to even more exchanges, because huobi is, it is. For me, it was in our plans after OKX. But as they are the same owners, as they are the same people who manage poloniex, they also manage huoby. They sent all the documentation there to huoby too and they are trying to do this merge to list us in the 2. If we do list, it will be a big mess and then we will get the okx before the end of the year and we will finish with the key gold this here.
So, that's it, cool, now you guys stay there and I'm going to work here

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@Toni_bnb @RRichie

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