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Is it buyback and burn or only buyback? And if

only buyback, where do the Bifi tokens go? Thanks

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Here you can learn more about the architecture of BTCFi: https://medium.com/bifrost/btcfi-1-introducing-the-next-chapter-in-bitcoin-4dd5472a83bd We also published another article for BtcUSD: https://medium.com/@bifrost/btcfi-2-what-is-btcusd-6d761be0cbbe

Dark-Angel Автор вопроса
Atakan Alemdar
Here you can learn more about the architecture of ...

Hi brother, it doesn’t say anything about buying back and/or burning Bifi tokens in the article? I was asking if the Bifi tokens being bought back for fees will be burned or just bought back and held somewhere? Thank you

Dark Angel
Hi brother, it doesn’t say anything about buying b...

There is an image under Architecture. There you can see it says it will be burned.

Dark-Angel Автор вопроса

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