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Hi Guys! I asked a question on twitter but I didn't

receive an answer yet

I always knew Phala to be an Off-chain comput infrastructure for devs
but of recent, i've been seeing Phala being referred to as a blockchain coprocessor

Did something change about Phala?
or are those definitions the same but from different angles?
anyone care to explain please

5 ответов

10 просмотров

Yeah, you mean right. Coprocessor is just a general name for what Phala has always done. Helping blockchains solve complex cross-chain tasks they can't do.

Lost Prince-Of Wakanda Автор вопроса
mantra | The Dots
Yeah, you mean right. Coprocessor is just a genera...

interesting, so it still maintains the off-chain compute services it already provides yes?

Lost Prince Of Wakanda
interesting, so it still maintains the off-chain c...

Certainly, moreover we have the largest TEE network (where off-chain computing happens) in the entire Web3.

Lost Prince Of Wakanda
interesting, so it still maintains the off-chain c...

You can also find more insights in the Phala's 2024 roadmap: https://phala.network/posts/phala-2024-road-map

Lost Prince Of Wakanda
interesting, so it still maintains the off-chain c...

I suggest you to look at subjects covered in Phala blog. https://phala.network/blog

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