209 похожих чатов

Is there another address that shows the staking income of

the staked steth other than lido.fi? Because I cannot see the daily income on etherscan.io or I do not know its location.

4 ответов

7 просмотров

if you hold stETH, your stETH balance will update/increase daily after 12:30pm UTC to view the reward history, you can check https://stake.lido.fi/rewards

Mustafa 🌊 (1 ➝ 2)- Автор вопроса
satbalwyn C
if you hold stETH, your stETH balance will update/...

I think my question was not fully understood. I want to understand how income movement outside the https://stake.lido.fi/rewards address is reflected in the account.

Mustafa 🌊 (1 ➝ 2)
I think my question was not fully understood. I w...

I can't get your point. but, stETH is a rebasing token. When reward distirbution is done, addreses holding stETH won'

Mustafa 🌊 (1 ➝ 2)
I think my question was not fully understood. I w...

I can't get your point. but, stETH is a rebasing token. When reward distirbution is done, addr holding stETH won't see a direct related transaction about distribution but the balance will update. for the mechanism, please see: https://docs.lido.fi/guides/lido-tokens-integration-guide#steth-internals-share-mechanics

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