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Hi guys 👋🏻 Is the team open to partnerships /


I'm from (AIX) AigentX team, could one of the admins please give me someone to DM? You can verify me, if you have doubts about my identity 🤝🏻

2 ответов

5 просмотров

You can fill out this form and the team will reach out if there is interest https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDv-dcpSX3XptLET3JaKQD4IdJHw-RgEFRGttG_KHmJ9yEtw/viewform

Dave | AIgentX- Автор вопроса
amp is the way
You can fill out this form and the team will reach...

I filled out the form, but there are very few teams that actually look at them. So, is there anyone here we could talk to?

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