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Can foreigners receive kyc only if they live(kitas,kitap) in Indonesia?

3 ответов

9 просмотров

Yes, that's correct. Currently, only foreigners with residence permits (KITAS/KITAP) in Indonesia can register and undergo KYC verification on Tokocrypto. To use Tokocrypto services, including storing balances, making deposits, and withdrawals, KYC is required. So, for foreigners without KITAS/KITAP, they cannot register or use Tokocrypto including for hodling.

Astro Tokocrypto
Yes, that's correct. Currently, only foreigners wi...

Do will add some utilities for foreigners who can't kyc?

Bitkoin- Автор вопроса
Astro Tokocrypto
Yes, that's correct. Currently, only foreigners wi...

Thought of a second bnb but then tko is a useless coin Thank you. I'll get off

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