209 похожих чатов

When you put these on snapshot can you tweet them

or post them here? People would have no idea to vote for stuff unless they go looking for it. https://gov.frax.finance/t/fip-350-351-add-a-new-markets-into-fraxlend-on-ethereum-fraxtal-ezeth-frxeth-rseth-frxeth/3017/2

2 ответов

7 просмотров

are these being coordinated with Renzo and Kelp teams? If so think these will be real wins, Huge demand for this sort of borrowing. If not there's basically 0 point.

Westwood- Автор вопроса
are these being coordinated with Renzo and Kelp te...

The team put them up twice so I think they are

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