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Guys where can I find daily chart for sFrax APY

for the last moths?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Dont think there is one, But the yield started at 50% APY less than a month ago and is currently at 41.91% APY


Patrick- Автор вопроса
Moonunit | POAP
Dont think there is one, But the yield started at ...

could you give me a short explanations where the yield is coming from

could you give me a short explanations where the y...

There are multiple yield rewarding tokens on Frax - I've never seen sFrax provide less APY than it is at the moment. Are you sure you're asking about sFRAX and not veFXS (or veFPIS, Frax/USDC LPs, and others)?

https://facts.frax.finance Use the dropdown in the FRAX section to find the sFRAX supply and APY over time charts.

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