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I might need to take a deeper look into this but just to note that we already have KYC/AML solutions in place.

Ranjeet- Автор вопроса
Ivan | Will never PM you first
I might need to take a deeper look into this but j...

By the way in case anyone was curious; for a financial Institution to legally take or use KYC: these 4 attributes MUST be adhered to by law. 1) The software entity is subject to the SAME obligations for data retention, customer due diligence, that the financial institution they are working with is. This would be according to the laws of each jurisdictional sector. i.e. The software provider must be licensed and regulated by the same laws that the Financial institutions they are working with are beholden to. 2) Contract of data sharing 3) Risk of transaction and customer due diligence still must be done by accepting financial institution 4) Ongoing monitoring still must be done by accepting financial institution

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