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12 ответов

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Yes, but talk with them if there’s anything that can be worked out.

Technically yes but Bitrue still as of now holds over 456M LGCY and i think there is a chance they could participate in the LGXYX airdrop

Shane-Oconnor Автор вопроса
Technically yes but Bitrue still as of now holds o...

Where would I find out Lgcy is one of my biggest holdings

Shane Oconnor
Where would I find out Lgcy is one of my biggest...

On Etherscan, the holders option. https://etherscan.io/token/0xaE697F994Fc5eBC000F8e22EbFfeE04612f98A0d#balances

Shane Oconnor
Where would I find out Lgcy is one of my biggest...

I would try contacting Bitrue support but you might have to wait for awhile to find out if they participated in the LGCYX airdrop. They may not know for awhile

Technically yes but Bitrue still as of now holds o...

I would liket to think that exchange are excluded from the swap? Especially Bitrue who delisted this project as it wasn’t worth their services.

Mister Mobster
I would liket to think that exchange are excluded ...

Hi Mister Mobster, no confirmation from that exchange.

Mister Mobster
But CEXes in general are excluded or not?

Hmm we do have an Exchange planned, MEXC, but more info to be disclosed on that.

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